Winter 2020 Orientation Welcome to your Winter 2020 Orientation Name Email How do I know when my live class is? Email YVI Ask in the Sister Science Facebook group Check the Course Calendar Email your teacher None Where do I find the Zoom link for my live class? It will be emailed to you 24 hours before class It will be posted inside the Sister Science Facebook group It's saved in a file on my computer It's posted on the course's dashboard None Homework must be saved as a _______ format in order to recieve credit. .doc / .docx .pdf .jpg Sent in the body of an email None If I have a question regarding the CONTENT inside Ayurvedic Yoga Thearpy Foundations or Ayurvedic Nutrition, I can ask your questions: Inside the Sister Science Facebook group To my teacher in the next live class By checking the FAQ page and if my question isn't answered, then by sending an email None If I have a question regarding the CONTENT inside one of the live classes, I can ask my questions: Inside the Sister Science Facebook group To my teacher in the next live class By checking the FAQ page and if my question isn't answered, then by sending an email None If I have a question regarding the PROGRAM, I can ask my questions: Inside the Sister Science Facebook group To my teacher in the next live class By checking the FAQ page and if my question isn't answered, then by sending an email None I must complete 6 units of college-level Anatomy & Physiology before recieving my certificate of completion. True False None Time's up