In the quiet, intimate days following childbirth, a new mother enters one of the most transformative periods of her life—a time when her body and spirit are ripe for healing and restoration. This is the Sacred Postpartum Window, a phase revered across cultures as a...
In our quest for health and wellness, modern medicine has achieved incredible feats with advanced treatments and life-saving technologies. But have you ever felt like the standardized approaches it often uses don’t quite fit you? That’s because these methods can...
At the core of Ayurvedic knowledge lies the Bṛhat Trayī – the three primary texts that weave together the intricate tapestry of this time-honored tradition. In this blog post, we embark on an exploration of the Caraka Saṃhitā, Suśruta Saṃhitā, and Aṣṭāṅga Hṛdaya,...
Here are 4 important things to consider when you are in your information gathering process: 1 – Do you want to learn more about how to connect with Nature and the Divine and how to heal yourself and others around you? Or do you want to become an Ayurvedic...
NAMACB Exam Preparation Have you been hearing about the NAMA board exam and do your nerves immediately set in? This article will help to sooth those nerves and provide you with helpful information on how to prepare should you decide to take the exam. Remember that...