Clinical Assessment 2 Welcome to your Clinical Assessment 2 Name Email When the doshas accumulate in their own sites, the disease is in which stage? Prakopa Sthana Samsraya Vyakti Sanchaya None When doshic levels begin to rise in its own "container" in the body, the disease has reached which stage? Prakopa Sthana Samsraya Vyakti Sanchaya None When the doshas leave their sites and seek other places in the body toward which they have an affinity, the disease has reached which stage? Prasara Sthana Samsraya Bheda Vyakti None When the aggravated dosha moves into a spot that has some weakness, the disease is in which stage? Prasara Sthana Samsraya Vyakti Bheda None Once cardinal signs and simptoms of a disease can be observed, the disease is in which stage? Sanchaya Bheda Vyakti Prasara None Once structural changes manifest, the disease has reached which stage? Bheda Sanchaya Vyakti Stana Samsraya None According to Sushruta, what is the "fourth dosha?" Rasa Rakta Majja Shukra None If a patient has an asthma attack, the disease is in an acute stage, however, when the attack is over, the disease is still not over. Instead, the disease remains dormant. This is a form of what? Pakva vyadhi Pachyamana Ashukari Vyadhi Jirna vyadhi None When a main disease is the cause of a secondary disease, the secondary disease is called what? Uttana Gambhira Upadrava Shukari None Diseases related to time are classified as: Adhi bala pravrutta Janma bala pravrutta Dosha bala pravrutta Kala bala pravrutta None Time's up