Nathalie Gajdos combines the healing aspects Ayurveda and Yoga with her strong interest in personal development and human behaviour, to offer holistic wellness services on and off the mat. Her search for healing from a long-standing history of depression and anxiety, lead her to Ayurveda, and in so doing she discovered a self-fulfillment previously thought to be unattainable.
It is now her desire to share these teachings with others in search of higher truth and greater collective conscious. She is trained with a 300 hour Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist certification from Yoga Veda Institute in Ajijic Mexico, and continues with ongoing studies in Ayurveda Yoga Therapy with YVI, and as a Yoga Health Coach with Yogahealer.
With passion and dedication, she created High Five Yoga Health & Healing to share her knowledge and deep-rooted beliefs in Ayurvedic healing with a global community. Her approachable, honest and compassionate demeanor empowers those who are ready for change, to use Ayurvedic daily practices to promote a life of ease and fulfillment.
Her love of travel and culture brought her to the beautiful island of Ambergris Caye, in Belize, where she offers online and in-person Ayurvedic consultations, and a variety of health and lifestyle coaching programs, as well as destination retreats that provide a commitment to ongoing support for long-term habit transformation and healthy living that are personalized and attuned with the universal laws of nature.
Through simple lifestyle, nutrition and breath body practices she demonstrates that we can all achieve conscious awareness, connectedness to all things, and a balanced body, mind and spirit that can take us to the next level of existence… Conscious. Connected. Balanced. Find out more about Nathalie at