NAMACB Exam Preparation

NAMACB Exam Preparation Have you been hearing about the NAMA board exam and do your nerves immediately set in?  This article will help to sooth those nerves and provide you with helpful information on how to prepare should you decide to take the exam. Remember that...


Mindfulness Breathe and Smile to Everything you Encounter The Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, led a retreat in Montreal, Canada. He noticed that every time a car stopped in front of him, he saw the sentence on the license plate “Je me souviens” (I remember). He did...

Surrender to What Is

Surrender to What Is There once was a son and his father living in a small village in Japan. They had a horse that helped them plow the field and bring food to the table. One day, the horse was gone. A villager came and asked, “How will you live without the horse?”...

Ayurvedic Cleansing

Ayurvedic Cleansing Have you ever tried a detox diet, cleanse or fast only to feel worse than when you started?  All of the new “Detox” diets and cleansing programs that are out there that promise that you’ll feel better fast are really just new age...

Present Moment, Precious Moment

Present Moment, Precious Moment Two monks walked along a riverbank and saw a lady standing on a shore with a basket of food in her arms. The senior monk walked up to her and asked, “Why are you standing here?” “When I left this morning and went to a market there was a...