What’s the connection between Ayurveda & Yoga?
What’s the Goal of your Asana Practice?
Both Yoga and Ayurveda are systems of wellness that aim to cultivate higher states of health and ultimately awareness. In Sanskrit, the word Yoga translates to “union,” and refers to the union of body, mind and soul. Physically moving through asanas, stilling the mind with breath work (pranayama), and meditation bring about a connection with the higher self. This connection is the intention of Yoga: union with the True Self, the Atma.
Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit word ayu, and means “life” or “life span.” Yet another meaning of ayu is the state in which the physical body, mind and soul become integrated. Veda means “knowledge.” So Ayurveda brings the true knowledge of life. Correct diet, healthy lifestyle and routine, and herbal formulations for balanced appetite and elimination all work towards this integration.
Whether we are talking about Yoga or Ayurveda, the goal is not just good health; it is an elevated state of awareness or unity — complete connection and integration of mind, body and consciousness.
That is our goal.

Embracing the Sacred Journey of Motherhood
In the quiet, intimate days following childbirth, a new mother enters one of the most transformative periods of her life—a time when her body and spirit are ripe for healing and restoration. This is the Sacred Postpartum Window, a phase revered across cultures as a...

Embracing the Sacred Journey of Motherhood
In the quiet, intimate days following childbirth, a new mother enters one of the most transformative periods of her life—a time when her body and spirit are ripe for healing and restoration. This is the Sacred Postpartum Window, a phase revered across cultures as a...
Career in Yoga Therapy
Author: Jacky Rae The Sister Sciences {reunited as skilled practitioners of Yoga and Ayurveda} find that by combining these practices on a professional level holds an incredibly powerful, therapeutic tool. The Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist (AYT) holds an amazing ability...