Student Engagement, Program Completion & Active Student Policy
At YVIAM, we employ a robust system to track student engagement in our programs, utilizing a combination of attendance records, assignment submissions, and active participation metrics. Regular interactions with academic advisors, faculty feedback, and collaborative platforms contribute to a comprehensive understanding of student involvement.
Student Engagement, Program Completion, and Inactive Student Policy
- Duration of Enrollment:
- Students at Yoga Veda Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine (YVIAM) are granted a maximum of 6 years from the date of enrollment to complete their program without incurring additional fees. This timeframe is designed to accommodate active participation and timely completion of the curriculum.
- Leave of Absence (LOA) Request:
- Students may request a Leave of Absence (LOA) for personal or medical reasons, allowing for temporary withdrawal from the program.
- LOA requests must be submitted in writing to the YVIAM administration before the intended start date of the leave.
- Approved LOA requests can extend for up to one trimester within a calendar year.
- Students on an approved LOA remain within the program and can resume studies at the end of the approved period without additional fees.
- During an approved LOA, access to course materials, faculty support, and program resources may be temporarily suspended.
- Inactive Status and Re-Engagement:
- If a student wishes to extend their absence beyond one trimester within a calendar year, they are considered inactive.
- Inactive students are still within the 6-year timeframe for program completion, but YVIAM encourages continuous engagement for optimal learning outcomes.
- If a student exceeds the allowable inactive period, the institution reserves the right to administratively withdraw them from the program and to charge re-engagement fees upon their return.
- Re-Engagement Process:
- Students seeking re-engagement after an extended absence must submit a formal request to the YVIAM administration via email to
- The request should include the reason for the extended absence and a plan for reintegration into the program.
- The institution will review the request and, if approved, outline any additional requirements or conditions for re-engagement.
- An “extended absence” is defined as either:
- Unapproved Leave of Absence (LOA) exceeding three months.
- Approved LOA exceeding one year.
- Fees for Re-Engagement:
- Re-engagement fees may be applicable to cover administrative costs associated with updating course materials, reestablishing faculty support, and facilitating the student’s smooth return to the program.
- Tuition rates for re-engaged students may be subject to review and adjustment based on the current published tuition fees.
- Scholarship Recipients:
- Scholarship students are expected to maintain good standing in the program to be considered for scholarship renewal.
- Good standing includes meeting academic requirements and actively participating in the program.
- Scholarship recipients not in good standing may not qualify again for a scholarship in subsequent periods./li>
- Re-Enrollment Process for Administratively Withdrawn Students:
- Students who become inactive without an approved LOA request will be considered administratively withdrawn from the program.
- Administratively withdrawn students seeking re-enrollment must submit a formal request to the Yoga Veda Institute administration.
- Re-enrollment requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- New Program Requirements and Standards:
- Re-enrolled students will be subject to the program requirements and standards in effect at the time of their re-enrollment.
- Any changes in program structure, curriculum, or requirements since their initial enrollment may apply to the re-enrolled student.
- Communication and Appeals:
- YVIAM is committed to clear communication regarding inactive status, administrative withdrawal, and re-enrollment procedures.
- Students may appeal re-enrollment fees or adjustments in tuition rates through a formal appeals process.
- Policy Modification:
- This policy is designed to clarify the consequences of inactive status, whether through an approved LOA or administrative withdrawal, and outlines the process for re-enrollment.
- YVIAM reserves the right to update or modify this policy as necessary. It is the responsibility of the student to stay informed about any changes in the institution’s policies related to inactive status and re-enrollment.