Prenatal & Natal Ayurveda
– Lesson 8 –
Objectives for the current week’s lesson:
What are the main guidelines to follow in terms of asanas during pregnancy?
What are recommended asanas during pregnancy?
What are the recommended types of pranayama during pregnancy?
What are additional exercises for the pelvic floor during pregnancy?
What is the purpose of yoni massage, what are the basic principles of yoni massage?
What are the major changes that occur first trimester in a woman’s body and mind?
What are the specific guidelines for asana practice first trimester?
What are the major changes that occur second trimester in a woman’s body?
What are the specific guidelines for asana practice second trimester?
What are the major changes that occur third trimester in a woman’s body?
What are specific guidelines for asana practice third trimester?
Preliminary Reading:
Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth by Deepak Chopra
Ch. 5, pg. 127-150 : Weathering the Changes
Yoga Mama, Yoga Baby by Margo Shapiro Bachman
Ch. 9, pg. 101-104: The second trimester
Ch. 10-12, pg.105-136: Skim through
Lesson Recording:
Re-write or type your class notes from the lecture. This is for your records. Do not submit them to YVI.
Fill out class objectives. This is for your records. Do not submit them to YVI.
Interview a pregnant woman using the pregnancy interview questions handout or you can create your own questions.
- If you do not know a pregnant woman that you can interview then make up a mock pregnant client and fill out the intake form and dosha quiz based upon a prakruti and
vikruti that you would like to have the experience creating a wellness plan for. - Prior to the interview, have the person fill out the dosha quiz and the Ayurvedic Intake.
- After the interview, create
a wellness including dietary, lifestyle, herbal, and movement/yoga/pranayama/meditation recommendations to support her to have a healthy happy pregnancy. - You can wait to do the interview until after the following class on pregnancy and yoga if you prefer.
- You only need to submit the wellness plan, the intake form and dosha quiz are for your personal records
. Thi s assignment is due by the last week class, so you have time to work on this.