AYURVEDIC post graduate sTUDIES


The  Post Graduate program in Ayurvedic Studies offers students an all access pass to the entire course line up offered at Yoga Veda Institute.

Download our Course Catalog for a comprehensive overview of the entire program.

How You'll Learn
  1. All access pass to yearly lineup of live web conference classes
  2. Lesson Recordings in case you miss a class
  3. Exclusive Online {Members Only} Student Portal
  4. Audio Lectures & Presentation Slides
  5. PDF Resources, Lecture Notes & Bonus Resources
  6. Workbooks {Download}
  7. Weekly Discussions inside our Private Community
  8. A Supportive Community Alumni
  9. Ongoing Career Support
Time Commitment

Each term is 10 lessons, approximately 11 Weeks in length.  There are 4 terms offered each year.

Students may choose to graduate within 2 – 4 years, depending on their schedules.

Students should plan to dedicate approximately 10 hours per week to each course.


There is no-prerequisite knowledge to join this program.


Yoga Veda Institute’s Ayurvedic Health Counselor and Ayurvedic Practitioner programs have been reviewed and recognized as providing training at the professional membership level of Ayurvedic Health Counselor and Ayurvedic Practitioner by the National Ayurvedic Medical Association.

Class Schedule

Web Conference Classes are offered both Live and Recorded for later viewing.  Classes are scheduled at times that can best accommodate all students enrolled in each module.  Please check the Course Catalog for specific class dates.


Click here to download the Course Catalog and view the full class calendar by term.

Enroll Risk Free with 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

60 Day Risk-Free Grace Period
Attend ALL classes, submit required homework assignments and participate fully in the program and if you find that the program is not a good fit, you can request to receive a full refund of balance paid within the 60 day grace period.  After the 60 day grace period no refunds will be offered, however there is no penalty if you wish to withdraw from the program. Certificates will not be issued until tuition is paid in full.


Would you like to hear what our students have to say?

Browse our Student Testimonials or better yet, ask them yourself inside our Yoga Veda Community group.

Student Conduct & Expectations

Above and beyond all subject matter in this program, this is a lifestyle dedicated to mindful, conscious and compassionate living. We expect these primary principles to be applied to all aspects of the students’ learning experience inside and outside of the classroom.

Due to the nature of the subject of this course and to the high regard we put on living with integrity, honesty, truthfulness and compassion, Yoga Veda Institute expects students to understand and maintain high standards of academic integrity. Breaches of academic integrity are subject to review by the Admin Board and may be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including requirement to withdraw from the School and suspension of registration privileges or revocation of certification.

Students are expected to conduct themselves responsibly, honestly, and with due consideration for others while enrolled at Yoga Veda Institute as well as in all of their interactions and communications with members of the Yoga Veda community. 

Students are expected to take personal responsibility for their own assignment submissions and tracking, knowing class dates and times of class, understanding their personal track program, and requesting curriculum updates as needed.  Yoga Veda Institute expects students to be active and engaged participants. Students registered in a course must attend all classes and participate online, take all exams, and complete all coursework on time.

Students are expected to treat web-conference class meetings as if attending class on campus, which includes behaving professionally, treating others with courtesy and respect, refraining from using profanity or socially offensive language, wearing appropriate clothing, and avoiding inappropriate surroundings. 

Students are required to have and use a camera and microphone when attending web-conference class meetings unless otherwise specified by the instructor.

Students may not join a class while driving or riding in a car. Students are expected to join from a suitable, quiet location, with a device that permits full participation in the class activities. Many courses include activities that cannot adequately be performed on a mobile device. 

Still Have Questions?

Yoga Veda Institute staff take great care to provide students with information and advice on courses, degrees, and policies. We want you to succeed in your academic and professional goals, so we strive to be accurate at all times. However, in the event that there is a discrepancy between written and/or oral staff communications and this website, please contact us so we can clarify right away. We encourage you to regularly review the website and to take ownership of your educational journey by familiarizing yourself with relevant policies, which may change.

Register and Begin Today

Explore our virtual campus, meet your student advisor, attend a live orientation, and experience YVI's foundation suite program all risk free for 14 days.

The First Step is a Conversation

Step into the Sacred with Clarity.