pre-approved preceptors OPPORTUNITIES
Upcoming Preceptor Opportunities
November 27 - December 2, 2023 Westfield, Massachusetts
November 27 – December 2, 2023
Fundamental Concepts of Ayurveda
Preceptor : Kim Povey CAP
This week is dedicated to building greater confidence as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor. You will develop counseling skills, refine your counselor toolkit, take practice exams, and prepare for the NAMA board exam by studying terminology, selecting classical references, and working with selected ausadhas from the AHC herbal formulary. Registration NOW OPEN until August 15, 2023. Register early to guarantee your space. Register HERE>>>>
March 18 - 23, 2023 Westfield, Massachusetts
March 18 – 23, 2023
Ayurvedic Principles of Trayopasthamba & Swasthavritta
Preceptor: Kim Povey CAP
This week is dedicated to building greater confidence as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor. You will develop counseling skills, refine your counselor toolkit, take practice exams, and prepare for the NAMA board exam by studying terminology, selecting classical references, and working with selected ausadhas from the AHC herbal formulary. Registration Opens right here on December 23, 2023. Space is limited.